Often referred to as Thai Yoga Massage, is a deeply healing form of bodywork that originates from the teachings of Ayurveda and Buddhism over 2000 years ago. Thai massage is given fully clothed on a futon on the floor. A treatment consists of a combination of rhythmic rocking pressure and dynamic or gentle Hatha Yoga stretches to suit the condition of the person. Thai Massage works physically on the whole body on muscles, fascia and joints for relaxation and detoxification, increased flexibility and a feeling of deep wellbeing. Equally importantly, it releases blocked energy and rebalances the flow of Prana (Life force or Qi) that flows through us physical body, restoring balance on an emotional, mental and physical level. The sensitive and nurturing touch of a good Thai Massage can help us to listen to ourselves more fully. And when we know what our body is telling us, it helps us to take better care of ourselves in daily life. A session lasts from 1-2 hours and is always tailored to the client’s individual needs.
We tailor each session individually for each woman as our experience in pregnancy is so very different. Pregnancy Thai Massage is given mostly in the side position, with pillows and bolsters placed to support the body where it most needs it – for example, under the belly, keeping the hips in alignment.
We concentrate on relaxing, balancing and opening the body through sensitive work on the energy lines in this position. When energy, blood and lymph flow better, we offer better nourishment to our baby and our hormones (and therefore mood) are more balanced. We also incorporate gentle stretches to create space for the lungs, diaphragm and ribcage and encourage freedom of breath and space for the internal organs to move, promoting better digestion.
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Et rigtig dejligt sted med masser af forskellige behandlingstilbud, yoga og massage.
(Oversat af Google) Fremragende terapeuter & god velkomst. Også yoga, mindfulness & Pilates.
(Original tekst)
Excellent therapists & good welcome. Also yoga, mindfulness & Pilates.
Jeg kan varmt anbefale Stina som instruktør i Mindfullnes - hun har virkelig hjulpet mig. En helt fantastisk oplevelse. 👍