RAB i Massage
RAB i Psykoterapi
Treating Anxiety, Chronic & Acute Pain, Depression & Stress – working with you to increase resilience, Nervous System regulation and an embodied sense of ease, confidence and creativity.
Book your first consultation/treatment (90 minutes) here.
Somatic Experiencing is a body-centered therapeutic model for healing trauma and stress disorders. It provides practical clinical tools to resolve frozen or ‘stuck’ patterns and energy states and turn off the threat alarm (the ‘fight-flight’ response) in the nervous system, thus addressing the root causes of trauma symptoms and creating resilience and flexibility in our daily lives. It is a gentle, graduated approach to healing and does not require revisiting traumatic events.
You can read more about the theory behind the treatment and the process of a session here.
Body Therapy (Kropsterapi) – I work with a unique blend of Eastern & Western therapies designed to resolve the physical & emotional impact of injury, stress or trauma. I combine the deep listening touch of Therapeutic Thai massage – using acupressure, energy line work and stretching – with Tuina, breathwork, osteopathic techniques and Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) to unwind and free stuck patterns and areas of tension, improve flexibility, circulation and breathing and bring energy and vitality back to your body and mind. I offer lifestyle practices and tools to create long-lasting and embodied wellbeing.
Read more about the treatment possibilities here.
Somatic Coaching – (Soma = Body) We’re the sum of all our experience so we start by acknowledging what you’re bringing –
- What’s your background and story?
- What are the symptoms you’re experiencing?
- What’s happening in your day-to-day life?
- What’s not working for you? And – more importantly – what IS working?
- What do you want to be feeling, doing and creating?
Our work together is a process of discovery – finding what works best for you to get you to where and WHO you want to be. Together, we lean into your strengths and the wisdom of your body so you can live your life with the embodied freedom, success and confidence you deserve. Read more here.
Instagram @fionabodywisdom

Det siger vores kunder om os
Et rigtig dejligt sted med masser af forskellige behandlingstilbud, yoga og massage.
(Oversat af Google) Fremragende terapeuter & god velkomst. Også yoga, mindfulness & Pilates.
(Original tekst)
Excellent therapists & good welcome. Also yoga, mindfulness & Pilates.
Jeg kan varmt anbefale Stina som instruktør i Mindfullnes - hun har virkelig hjulpet mig. En helt fantastisk oplevelse. 👍